Swarovski Optik

Magazine | Études

Le Fuligule nyroca en Tunisie

Le statut actuel de ce canard en Tunisie et remarques sur sa situation en Afrique du Nord.
31/07/2003 | Non soumis au comité de lecture


Le Fuligule nyroca (Aythya nyroca) est un petit canard plongeur à la couleur générale brun-acajou, et aux sous-caudales blanches. Il s’agit principalement d’une espèce orientale nichant en Europe de l’Est, en Turquie et en Asie Centrale. Elle est rare en Europe de l’Ouest, notamment en France, et est observée surtout en hiver. Sur le pourtour méditerranéen, il s’agit d’une espèce menacée, nichant localement. Hichem AZAFZAF, coordinateur du GTO (groupe scientifique de l’Association des Amis des Oiseaux, partenaire de Birdlife) et responsable du Suivi de ZICO en Tunisie, réalisé une étude sur cette espèce en Tunisie, sous le titre original « The Ferruginous Duck in Tunisia ».


In 1905, the Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca was common in Tunisia during winter and spring and some pairs were known to breed (Whitaker, 1905). During the last five years, the species has been mainly recorded in small numbers during winter and summer, but with some notable concentrations and a peak of 1 682 individuals in October 2001 on the Oued Rmal water reservoir in North Tunisia. Nevertheless, in most years, Tunisia is thought to hold 10-60 wintering individuals. Breeding mainly takes place on Saharan wetlands like Ghidma (up to 30 pairs), but also occurs on water storage reservoirs in the centre and the north of the country, such as the Oued Lebna water reservoir where up to 10 pairs have recorded.
An overview of confirmed breeding sites suggests that Tunisia holds up to 80 breeding pairs of Ferruginous Duck. In addition to confirmed breeding, concentrations of Ferruginous Ducks during the breeding period have been recorded recently on 21 July 2002 at Khaïrat water reservoir (237 birds) and Oued Rmal water reservoir (416 birds). The species was unprotected until 2002. On the recommendation of the Association “Les Amis des Oiseaux” (AAO), BirdLife Partner Designate in Tunisia, and member of the consultative commission on hunting and the conservation of games species, the Ferruginous Duck was included as a protected species in the annual hunting decree 2002/2003.

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La page Facebook de l’Association des Amis des Oiseaux : https://www.facebook.com/AAO.tn?fref=photo

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Hichem Azafzaf (2003). The Ferruginous Duck in Tunisia. Petkov, N. Hughes, B. et Gallo-Orsi, U. (editors). Ferruginous Duck : From Research to Conservation, Conservation Series N°6. Birdlife International-BSPB-TWSG, Sofia, PP.

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